I observe something on my Super Gemini FW v1.26: the LFO2 RATE LED flashes at the correct rate only one note every 3 to 5 notes played. I have this strange behaviour ONLY in DUAL mode. In SINGLE and SPLIT, every key pressed a bit more, and the aftertouch triggers the LFO, and the LED flashes at the same rate the effect of the LFO2 is audibly affecting what it is modulating.
playing one note at a time or a chord and this is quite obvious.
Now, I understand it is a non trivial problem, as we have a polyphonic aftertouch, hence potentially several LFO2 rates to show with only one LED… But at least in SINGLE or SPLIT, every note played triggers the LED flashing at the set rate for each key pushed a bit harder.
Can you confirm this behaviour on your SG too?