I have this weird thing with synthesizers and manual modes. Currently encountering this with S6 but it’s the same with other synths and manual modes. No matter what kind of sweet patches I save, whenever I come back to the synth the patch never sounds as sweet as I recalled and then I toggle the Manual mode and I’m blown away.
This makes me wish that mod assigns would persist in manual mode. That there would be some kind of interface to make them “manual” settings.
I’ve tried to min-max the init patch to a great electric piano, I’ve tried saving the manual patch and switching to that every time I come back, but it doesn’t sound as “wow” as it did.
I think when I’m using the synth some subconsious process of mine keeps the synth “alive”. Maybe I’m switching the faders and knobs and switches to something I want to hear without even realising, then when I come back it does not reflect the bliss it was anymore.
Any kindred spirits out there?
I’m definitely for WYSIWYG synths and I would encourage UDO do abandon the whole patch saving system for their next instrument. Just a clear UI that invites play with no abstractions…
I’m definitely for WYSIWYG synths and I would encourage UDO do abandon the whole patch saving system for their next instrument. Just a clear UI that invites play with no abstractions…
Hell yea, I mentioned this to UDO recently at a show.
I have had my S6 Desktop for 48 hours now and man, not played anything modern that competes on UI. Perhaps my Nord Wave comes close but, faders > knobs and I’m totally loving the aspect ratio of the desktop, my ‘head’ is so in the synth.
I will need to spend more time to see what I feel about presets etc but I consciously haven’t even listened to the factory programs. I accidentally ventured there and briefly played about 5 of them but man, it started turning me off. That’s no aspersion on the preset programmers it’s just that it’s my synth, I want it to be my imagination. If and when I run out of ideas then I’ll start paying attention to what others have found.
I’m not sure I totally get what you’re saying about going back to manual mode being sweeter than the preset you saved but I have been glad that the mod assigns don’t persist in manual mode on this particular design. That might confuse me too much/require brain power to reverse engineer. I’ve been using the mod matrix as a sort of one use, kept in mind thing. I wasn’t really intending to save any patches but as it happens I have saved two now and yes, one of them did have a cool env to lfo mod assign but I just started tweaking away from that memory location anyway.
Regarding another design without memories, dare I mention the acronyms VCO & DCO ?
Actually, scrap that last point, I’d prefer to see UDO carry on with the FPGA implementation they have. You’ll have to forgive me I’m still coming out of the last millennium