Flashing light for saved performances & patches

One tricky thing when going to save a new patch is not remembering what banks already have something saved in them. The only way (as I understand it) is to hit a bank and see. Unfortunately, if there is a saved patch or performance, it will override all the settings in the mod matrix, and elsewhere.

It would be great if when you push on an alphabet button it would cause any of the numbered lights to flash if there is something saved there, so you know where to go to add the next new patch.


+1 - it’s tough to manage without a screen or a computer interface.

Thanks, I was wondering how I could be the only one with this problem, and how others manage it.

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TBH with 20-20 hindsight I probably wouldn’t have bought a Super Gemini for this exact reason.

But if you have a Super 6 you can get a laptop application from sunnysynths that would help.

I accept my Super 6 as it is, not as it “might have been”. Early on, my patch creations were recorded on paper! Yes, that white stuff! I can see at a glance empty slots, what kind of new sounds and the names of factory sounds. Easy peasy. Try it with a synth that DOES have a display too.