Livid over here after building a great patch and saving it only to have a totally different patch be saved in its place. I just updated to the latest firmware before the session hoping maybe for once there wasn’t some huge bug. 4k and here we are
Can’t speak to what happened to you, but I’ve messed up a lot times saving patches.
It was surprisingly hard for me to wrap my head around how patches/perfromances worked. But I don’t personally want to write the SG off for that, it’s got too much good going for it.
A lot of us have suggested an add on screen, editor or something would be a great addition. It’s in the feature request section.
saving patch and perf works fine for me, it’s that we sometimes make goofs and save things on top of existing precious work :-).
Yesterday, I thought I had saved all the perf, discovering later I had in fact saved just half of it on one patch… Hopefully all the controls were where they were just before.
As decribed in another thread, I often connect my SG with USB before powering on just to be able to 1). backup everything first, and 2) SEE WHERE things are already written and what’s free to write on it :-).
Be just careful to plug everything BEFORE powering the synth to avoid strange behaviour.
For Super 6 owners, do not forget the Sunnysynth editor here. For the others, There is an equivalent in progress, maybe available around Easter Holidays if everything works smoothly with Sunnysynths developments and testing (no affiliation, but high hopes ).