Patch/performance bank selection behavior // suggestion

I’ve had my Super Gemini for a few days now and am really loving it. I spent some time editing performances today and encountered (what I think is) counterintuitive behavior.

  1. I loaded a performance from bank A as a starting point, and edited each of the patches.
  2. I loaded a patch preset from patch bank A into the upper layer.
  3. I wanted to save my new performance in bank B, as all the slots in bank A are filled with factory presets–I thought I could do this by holding shift and pressing the performance button.

I accidentally pressed the performance button twice while holding shift. Instead of switching between banks A and B, this action defaults to comparing the current/memory performance, and overwrote the performance I wanted to save. This is a pretty minor thing, but I think it’d be more intuitive to swap between the A and B banks (for patches and performances) as long as shift is held. As it is now, the first press is considered a bank swap, and the second is considered a current/memory load. Now I know not to do that–just a small suggestion for the future.


I’ve been thrown by that too. Haven’t lost work thankfully. It does seem a bit odd because in all other instances shift remains active if one holds the button.


I just got my SG on Friday, loving it too :smile: Managing performances vs patches threw me for a moment as well, it’s a step up from the Super 6.

I was wondering why the SG uses shift to change banks vs the way the Super 6 works, by a double tapping the button. That seems like the most intuitive way, bypassing the shift button altogether. But maybe I’m missing something.

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The S6 doesn’t have “performances” so pressing the “patch” button can have a direct action. On the Gemini/8 when one is in a performance, a single press of the “patch” button is required to put it in patch selection mode, which is required in order to populate both parts of the performance.

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