Why do my patch buttons flash even when I've not edited a patch?

If I select a patch the patch button LED stays lit. Within a few seconds it begins to flash even if I haven’t edited any parameters.

It doesn’t always happen and not always on all patches.

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Maybe I’m misunderstanding, but if you are in the “second” patch set the patch buttons flash continuously.

So for reference, there’s 64 patch memories on the front panel, but 128 on the synth. The way you get to the second 64 is you press a patch/bank button again after it’s already lit, which causes it to start flashing to let you know you are in the “second” set of patches. Personally, I kept the factory patches and all my sounds are in the “second” flashing banks.

That’s the bank button; steady for the first bank, flashing for the second. The patch button should stay lit until you make an edit :+1:

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Got the same feature on some patches.

I have the same problem since firmware update 1.3.

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One thing that confuses me still with how the blinking works on a patch, is what happens when you are in the 2nd level (flashing) and you do an edit? How do you distinguish between being in level 2 and having edited level 1?

I’m very much not used to using patch pre-sets in the first place having mostly analog or modular synths. It’s been surprisingly hard to wrap my head around, it’s probably the easiest thing for most people.

The 8 buttons on the left are patches 1 - 8

The 8 buttons on the right are banks A - H

There are two sets of banks

Bank 1, A - H

Bank 2, A - H

If the led of bank button A - H is steady, you’re in bank 1

If the led of bank button A - H is flashing, you’re in bank 2

The patch buttons, on the left, select between the 8 patches of the current bank

If you select a patch the patch button led should remain steady until you edit something (move a slider, press a button etc)

There are 128 patches in total, 8 (patches) x 8 (banks) x 2 (bank sets)

If there is no patch in a position (patch button 3, bank button C, which is steady, so bank set 1, for example) the patch button won’t illuminate when you press it.


Hi, I just checked (I’m still on FW 1.0).

  • when starting the synth, the patch button is flashing which is a bit strange
  • pressing it makes it steady
  • changing patches keeps the patch buttons steady until some button/slider is changed
  • same behavior when being in bank x2 but with the bank button flashing

Did you ask UDO support?
Worth asking as this is quite critical to know where we are (in original patch or in the edited one)

BTW: very good summary above; Excellent info for the beginners

“* when starting the synth, the patch button is flashing which is a bit strange”

Yes, that threw me off, and I totally misunderstood how the patches work because of it. Thanks to dcjams for clearing that up.

I went as far as just removing all patches and the init file, just to help understand. I still get the flashing light and saw wave on boot, which the manual seems to say shouldn’t happen. Good idea about reaching out to support.