No way to compare Manual patch without losing Mod assignments?

Hi all,

I’ve had my Super 6 Desktop for getting on a month now and as might be expected there’s a bit of a learning curve but I think I’ve pretty much got my head around it. However I’ve been losing some good patches I’ve created which is a bit disheartening.

I think what’s happening is I’ll be in manual mode and be making a patch, tweaking away, I’ll make a bunch of mod matrix assignments and then decide I’d like to save the patch. But since I’ll have to find a patch/bank location I’d like to overwrite to I need to compare to the existing patch that’s there. But on going to Patch mode to find a location all the mod assignments I’ve made in Manual mode will subsequently be lost. In some recent cases these mod assignments were essential to the patch.

Is this simply the way things are or is there some way of actually comparing manual mode + mod matrix assignments to bank/patch locations? As it stands it kind of limits the usefulness of manual mode as a starting point for patch creation.

I hope I’ve got that all correct. Cheers.

I’ve mentioned elsewhere but I think there should at least be a way to visually see if a slot is empty or not easily. My idea was to be hit the bank and have all used patches(and or performances for the other machines) momentarily light up.

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