Hi everyone, I recently picked up a Super 6 and am really enjoying it. It is an incredible synth and sounds fantastic. Please do not take this post the wrong way, I just want to ensure everything is correct on my unit and see if others are experiencing same, and see if these are potential bugs or enhancement requests.
I’m running OS 0.25 and notice following:
1. Moving LFO1 LR Phase slider quickly slows down LFO speed - moving this slider up/down quickly will slow down LFO rate (even though IMO it shouldn’t), almost like the LFO processing can’t keep up. As soon as you stop moving the LR slider, the LFO rate speeds up again.
Not sure why LR phase slider should affect actual LFO speed. Do your units experience same? Is this a bug and something fixable in firmware, or is it due to hardware limitations (processing)?
2. ARP Direction patterns don’t work while playing - holding keys while playing arp, and then cycling through arp direction (up, down, up/down, random) does not apply selected arp pattern to DOWN (plays Up, not Down) or RANDOM modes (plays Up, not Random). However, if you select the arp direction you want BEFORE playing keys, THEN the arp pattern gets applied correctly! Therefore this issue seems to be due to holding keys and cycling through arp mode.
With most arps you are able to play keys and cycle through the arp patterns as you play to give variance to your music. IMO this seems to be a bug if arp direction is not being applied correctly while holding keys. Does your Super 6 behave the same?
3. Arp Mode cycling to Sequencer LED triggers sequencer, stops arp upon cycling back to Up - related to above, in OS 0.21 I noticed before I updated to 0.25, that when cycling through the arp modes it would skip the sequencer LED (it remained unlit) and only cycle through the arp direction LEDs. The arp would continue to play as I cycled through arp modes while holding the keys. This is expected behaviour.
After updating to 0.25, cycling through the Arp modes it now includes the Sequencer LED and starts triggering the sequencer, ruining the arp pattern. Then, pressing the arp button to go back to UP direction, and there is no more arp playing! This ruins the entire point of having the arp modes if we can only use them ONCE and having the mode button trigger the sequencer.
IMO this behaviour is not correct and should be reverted to OS 0.21’s behavior – either cycle through the arp modes and leave the sequencer out of it (unlit), OR if cycling to the sequencer LED while playing an arp, sequencer should not activate and not play notes. If someone wants to use sequencer, they should select Sequencer mode BEFORE they play. Arp and sequencer should be treated separately.
The current behaviour of stopping the arp pattern after cycling through arp directions one time makes the arp mode button almost unusable during a performance – one can only go through the arp direction patterns ONCE, and then it triggers sequencer, and then stops your arp completely if you go back to UP. This is not usable. Is this only my unit or does your Super 6 behave the same?
4. LFO1 - S&H rate slider at max disables S&H - I notice S&H is only LFO waveform that exhibits this behavior. I’m guessing this is due to manual stating “With random selected and its rate set to the max, a fifth waveform, white noise is generated.”.
Yes, with LFO1 S&H selected and rate at max, I do hear some subtle noise but it is very, very faint. This noise when applied to DDS1 Modulator seems to have no effect, and the noise is very faint when LFO1 is applied to filter and VCA mod.
Are your units the same – does your LFO1 S&H deactivate when rate is near max, and are the “noise” levels low and have no effect on Osc1 pitch and faint on filter/VCA mod?
5. ENV1 looping - requires always holding keys, does not decay, stops immediately upon letting go of key - ENV1 looping is only active while holding down a key. It does not continue even after letting go of keys (ie trail off with proper decay while still looping). Is this the same for everyone? If so, a feature request would be to support envelope looping decay after letting go of key, instead of abruptly having the loop stop as soon as you let go of the key.
The decay effect I’m suggesting can be faked by having ENV2 ADSR Decay slider mid way and other sliders down, but the user STILL needs to hold a key down for the looping to be active. It would be nice to just strike a key, the loop triggers while decaying naturally (like an envelope would), vs having to constantly hold a key to trigger the loop/having it abruptly stop when you let go of key.
6. Filter Drive 2 has little effect/too quiet - not sure if just my unit but Filter Drive 1 is noticeably louder than Filter Drive 2 mode, especially when resonance is increased. When flipping to Filter Drive 2 I find the volume drops significantly and there is little drive effect (almost like it’s not on), even though I would expect even more drive vs. Filter Drive 1. Anyone else have same?
7. DDS1 and 2 Noise waveshapes - very quiet vs. other osc waveshapes - noise waveforms are much quieter on my unit compared to the other DDS1/2 osc waveshapes. Anyone else finding the same? If so this is probably a feature request to increase their volume.
Sorry for the long post and appreciate your thoughts!