Just confirming I have successfully installed the new firmware on my S6 desktop, thanks for your hard work Team UDO!
the DDS2 detune feels better around 0 as promised, velocity sensitivity of VCA feels better, lfo1 square sharpness I think sounds better - I was worried it would sound too clicky but I don’t think it does. These alone make it worth it for me.
Mix as modulation destination - how do other people feel about this? It wasn’t a feature I was demanding, so I don’t have a strong opinion, but do others like the implementation?
I tested it by having osc 1 be set to a saw wave at footing 16, and osc 2 be set to a sine set at footing 32 and detuned to -6, I then tried it with saw at 32, sine up at 8 and detuned to +6.
I tried it with both LFO2 as the note recommends, and ENV1 in loopmode modulating it.
My impression is that maybe the mix amount needs to be raised as it never seems to quite hit the point where only dds2 is playing, you can always hear a bit of dds1. even when using ENV1 with A and D on max, I never heard a point with only DDS2 sounding.
This can be ameliorated by raising the mix knob above 0%, but I found it has to be pretty near 50% to reach 100% (just DDS2 sounding).
It’s not quite the range I’d expect, but what do others think?