Link to "User manuals" goes to a Dropbox folder with an old version of the Super 6 manual

On this page, the button link to “User manuals” goes to a Dropbox folder with an old version of the Super 6 manual.

This is the most recent version. We just changed the numbering convention. So rev. 1.4 is the fifth revision.

Well, the manual in the Dropbox folder is called “UDO_Super6_Manual_V4.0.pdf” and the manual that can be accessed directly from the downloads page is called “V1.4”. The former says “©2022 UDO AUDIO VERSION 4.0 · FEBRUARY 2022” on the title page and the latter says “©2024 UDO AUDIO VERSION 1.4 · FEBRUARY 2024” on the title page. I don’t know if you mean that it’s only the version number and the title page that differs, but I still don’t understand why you would keep two slightly different versions around.

Where exactly do you still find v4.0?

I’m sorry DDS, but are you serious right now?
Speldosa’s last comment explains “exactly” where each manual version is. Check your links homie.

Sup with that firmware doe??