I sent this suggestion to UDO in October and they thought it sounded like a good idea and made a note of it, who knows if it will be implemented though…
On the DSI/Sequential OB-6 and P6, when you are on a saved patch, and you change a knob, if you rotate it back to the actual parameter setting of that patch, a little red dot shows up on the patch number display to signify you have matched that setting amount of that saved patch.
Obviously, the Super 6 has no display, but! Since the “Manual” LED is only ever fully lit when you are not tweaking a saved patch (hence Manual), it is essentially free for a similar task. For example, if I had been messing with the filter cutoff, but want to go back to the actual setting of the patch, as I move the cutoff slider, when I arrive at the setting of the saved patch, the Manual LED would flash for a second, or flash twice quickly, or something else of that nature.