Hopefully I’m not the only one that would LOVE this, but please make a Blue Super Gemini and Blue Super 8. That blue color on the Super 6 is just BLUETIFUL. It would be even more so with its bigger siblings! I get bored of just staring at black, white, or grey synths. I need more BLUE around me! Please support this request.
I was so sad to lose the blue super 6. please George!
agreed! I would love a blue Gemini. But blue caps on the pots/faders would also look pretty cool with the gray.
A Super 8 in the black/gunmetal grey down the line would probably be what makes me jump up from (/add to…) my Super 6 Desktop. Kudos to UDO for having established such a strong visual identity with (relatively) so few products.
It’s the brilliant Axel Hartmann
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