Delay v/oct tracking

If we can get pitch tracking and sub 1ms delay times, we can use the delay for karplus strong. That would open up some possibilities no other polysynth maker is offering. If the delay is fpga-based, it is most certainly possible. I have some eurorack options that have sub-1ms delay times and v/oct tracking. Also, might be neat to delay other things. Some eurorack delays are dc-coupled and can therefore delay voltages and mod sources. We have delay and phase for lfo 1, but how about porting the lfos or envelopes through the delay? Modulation echos.

Nice idea. The delay has a sample rate of 96kHz so in theory one could have reasonable pitch control up to around a few hundred Hz. I think certainly reducing the minimum delay time as it stands and giving more control/precision at the short end would be worthwhile. This is something nick batt asked about too when took s6 in

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Nice! The only issue is polyphony would require a multi-tap. Otherwise, Karplus Strong could only be used in monophonic patches, or using some note priority to keep the delay pitch in the held chord.