I went on a search for some expression pedal alternatives (basically an expression knob, instead of a pedal) and I found a few things:
Do you guys have any recommendations?
Also, I’m not keen on CV etc. Would I just use another TS cable to connect something like an expression knob? (Edit: found answer in the manual)

A 10k potentiometer wired between tip-ring(wiper)-ground would work.
Keep in mind pedals generally don’t use the full range of the pot.
Delay freeze is actually a switch on the ring terminal of the sustain pedal jack. For this anything will work including two bits of tin foil!
Remember sustain/delay pedal self calibrates for polarity on boot
Happy exploring!
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Thank you for this response.
I will try using a TRS cable to connect my Zoia control output to the Super 6 expression input!