So I sent my Super 6 back to get a replacement as 3 of the faders had no resistance and I’m just needing some confirmation that the DDS modulator faders have resistance when moved. My ones would literally move with someone blowing on them and it didn’t seem normal.
I think the blowing part is exaggeration I know because I have the same thing and had the same thought. I tried blowing the no resistance faders but they didn’t move.
Unless the faders didn’t work it isn’t really a fault. Maybe bad QA. I emailed them but they said it was normal but I didn’t press the issue maybe that is my fault.
Most of my faders have that smooth buttery feel but a few have no resistance and feel horrible but they do still work.
Don’t really know what you are doing in this thread to be fair. You have never seen/played my synth but think there’s nothing wrong with it because the faders still work.
Dude, I never paid over 2k for a synth to have 3 bad faders, just because they still work didn’t mean there wasn’t an issue.
It sucks you haven’t got further with your issue but that isn’t my problem, no need to be in here telling me I’m wrong.
WTF I’m here because I seem to have the same issue, that’s why. I chipped in to say this is a thing in case you were worried but screw you.
If the faders still work then it isn’t really a fault is it. It was UDO support who said this wasn’t a fault not me.
Some faders on any synth at any price can be loose, it’s luck. It was you that was dumb enough to believe some faders would be loose on purpose. Glad you got it fixed even though the synth worked perfectly to begin with.
“Chipped in” you literally came in here, said I was wrong and said if it works it ain’t broke.
It’s not as if it was a little bit different to the others, these faders only stayed where they were cause it was sitting flat. It would have been unusable at and angle and for live shows.