Gemini makes random notes / crackling noises / blinking buttons after few minutes after start and freezes

I have a feeling I’m next to need a replacement board.

I’ve lost the lower layer controls, I can control the lower layer via the upper layer controls, similar to a Super 8. Yesterday I lost the touch touch strip, it won’t respond at all. Machine was purchased last October.

Mirroring an earlier response, I contacted UDO support about my issue last Sunday. It’s taken a week just to get through a screening process to escalate to ‘hardware’.

For anyone else going through this, they seem to have a canned set of ‘troubleshooting’ steps that you will have to go through. You will get one step every 24 hours, and no additional comments or feedback. These were all steps I took before even contacting support.

After a few days of this I tried to speed it up by making a demo showing the problem. But only got gas lit because I made a little mistake in the demo.

I still haven’t heard back from the hardware person, so it will be over a week before UDO support will even start to discuss the actual issue with me.

@HMan most of the time we can get people sorted out quickly by understanding their setup, asking questions about the problem finding out what we need to do. Understanding as much as we can tends to lead to better outcomes. Mike and Ben work very hard to support our customers. I can follow up on Monday if you send me your ticket number, please note Ben does not work Friday.

There is a power on button press that can tell a Super Gemini it’s a Super 8 and vice versa. Perhaps this has happened somehow. Whatever the issues they’ll get you back up and running


what is this strange magic combo oh holy UDO sage!

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Thanks for the reply George.

I was told I’d get an email from Ben on Friday, so that explains why I didn’t.

Hope we can get this sorted, the SG is my pride and joy. Will contact you Monday.

Does this dictate whether the hard drive shows as “Gemini” or “Super 8” when connected to a computer too? My Super 8 is labelled as “Gemini” on my PC.

Mine still says GEMINI fwiw.

I’ve noticed that if I leave my Gemini connected to my MacBook via USB and the MacBook goes to sleep, the Gemini will not work properly and make random notes and noises after some hours being idle. Restarting and unplugging from USB makes everything go back to normal though. Could it be a USB issue some users experience? On MacOS the OS will try to put hard disk to sleep when the computer sleeps, so does it see the Gemini as a hard disk and try to somehow put it to sleep? @udo-audio

I seem to never have issues with the USB cable unplugged. Maybe USB/Midi still needs some work in the firmware? Curious if others who are having issues are also connected via USB.

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Very recent new user of the Gemini here. At the beginning , not remembering where I saved patches ans perfs, I quickly plugged the gemini in my MacBook Pro via usb, just to have a peak at the content of the folders b. I soon realized that this mess completely the sound and current settings. Unplugging resolved this. Now if I need to have a look in read only at the Gemini drive, I take care to plug it before powering it and then it seems ok.

I never went hours long through screensaver and stuff like that though, cannot comment on that situation.

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Yep same here. Gemini only seems to work correctly when you plug in the USB first then power it on. Hopefully in future firmware USB connection becomes a bit more stable. Because it will definitely make you think it’s a hardware issue if you don’t catch it.

Good to know that’s at least normal behavior other users experience though.

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Topic starter here. Interesting observation. Mine goes crazy just after couple of minutes of usage w/o macbook going sleep or anything. Trying the hypothesis with the unplugged USB, will post an update.

WAT: lower layer no longer working (no lights, no reaction to controls), it looks like the same issue others posted about Gemini turning into S8. And no - it’s frozen after 15 minutes with no USB connected.

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Sounds like my issue.

What do you mean by frozen after 15 minutes?

Just like in the my first post above, unit freezes and stop responding until power re-cycle. It was diagnosed as hardware issue, but I’m waiting my dealer to deliver the board replacement to me yet.

Ah ok, so you have 2 issues at once now, freezing, and acting like a Super 8?

Thankfully I only have the one, so I can at least still play more than 15 minutes.

And woah, you’ve been waiting on the board since April?

Yes, looks like this :smiley: I updated firmware 1-2 months ago, perhaps related. Crazy, hopefully the board replacement will treat it all. Re “since April”, it’s true, but it’s not UDO’s fault, just hard to deliver something to my location. Hopefully soon :crossed_fingers:

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Let’s see how it develops. Heard back from George, he and Ben are looking into it.

Good News :slight_smile: !

Be sure to let us know how things go.

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Have you contacted UDO support about this?

I just got the fix in from UDO, basically a modified global reset. So easy peasy when you know what to do.

Just as a heads up to anyone dealing with UDO support. It can try your patience and at least in my case feel a little like no one is listening and you’re butting heads. But in reality, they clearly put in the effort to figure out what was causing the issue and got me a clear and detailed set of instructions to fix the issue. It took a little while, but that really didn’t matter much in the end.

I almost feel like being a ‘super user’, pardon the pun, worked against me here. I already knew and performed all the lead up steps requested of me over the course of the first week before I even had emailed them.

Just go along with the troubleshooting process, you get one step at a time. If they don’t work, then it’s escalated to hardware support.

One hiccup in my case was I that also made a video demo of the issue, but in doing so didn’t open the filter on the bottom layer, so support got hung up on that, though it really didn’t matter to the actual issue at all. A week + in, it felt frustrating, because I thought they were getting derailed on the totally wrong thing, and there were no outward signs anything was happening to remedy the problem.

It took a week and a half to sort out what seemed to be a new issue for UDO. I’m thrilled with the end result. It just didn’t take the path I expected from dealing with other small companies.

I’m hoping to hear back from Ben or George to find out what they think triggered the issue. But running the proper reset sequence turned the synth back into a Super Gemini. Super happy about that.


I’m hoping I won’t need it anyway as my board replacement is supposed to be delivered/done soon. But still curious, how’s that modified global reset / power button magic is done, can you share?


Happy this turned out so nicely, if not very promptly, at least, you had a slow but steady help and got the problem solved. It’s reassuring :slight_smile: .

As already asked, Do you know from support/George if you can share that modified global reset for other users outhere that could encounter the same issue and add this step to their debug process?

@udo-audio , maybe this could be a new entry in the FAQ/debug page of the website?