As in FW development wise?
I know if so it will be a good while out, but just curious to know. I know it is a complicated process. But this for me as a pad fiend this will open the synth right up.
As in FW development wise?
I know if so it will be a good while out, but just curious to know. I know it is a complicated process. But this for me as a pad fiend this will open the synth right up.
“udo-audio liked this”
There’s been confirmation through the grape vine.
I believe they mentioned in another post that they are working on it. I can’t remember exactly which post that is though.
Actually Osc Mix modulation destination is even in the latest manual, at page 96. But doesn’t work. Hoping it will.
It will, and it’s really going to open up a world of possibilities and timbral shifts. Imagine affecting it with for example velocity, aftertouch or an envelope, shifting the timbre. I often make patches with noise as a modulator, and mixing in a bit of noise with the mix knob. Having this balance shift with dynamics would sound so expressive!
I’d also like to ask for a few possible additions in future firmware:
ENV to Pitch and PWM slider as mod destinations.
Being able to tap in a tempo, maybe in the shift menu.