MIDI timing question

Has anyone else had issues with MIDI timing being sloppy/delayed? I’ve got my SG set up to receive MIDI clock over DIN from my Roland R8 so the arp and seq sync to it. I’ve tried all the different MIDI option including disabling CC/NRPN and Prog Change messages and it starts and stops fine when I start and stop the drum machine but the sequence or arp I select isn’t on the beat, it’s delayed by enough for it to be noticeable (and not really usable). I tried a different drum machine (TR8) but the problem persists.

I don’t know if it’s related but the actual arp when triggered from the keybed doesn’t start as soon as a key is depressed either, it seems to ‘wait’ as if it’s clock isnt reset by the key press. Is this normal behaviour?

Am I missing something here? I’m running v1.25 at the moment and was holding back on going to v1.26 until some if the bugs are ironed out

A traditional arp shouldn’t be key-synced but beat-synced so I wouldn’t expect it to start on a keypress as that defeats a lot of tricks of classic arpeggiators. It should wait for the next beat so that everything lines up without you having to play in time. Maybe this is what’s happening?

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Well that happens if I key down but it’s still ‘behind’ the beat. If I leave hold turned on and start the drum machine the arp or sequence will start but again is behind. There’s even reference in the manual to doing this saying the sequence will lock to the midi clock but it’s not synchronised. I did see another post reporting the same issue but it was some time ago and there wasn’t a reply to say whether the poster had resolved the issue. I hope it gets addressed soon if it’s a bug as it’s unusable in that situation. I’ve tried a couple of drum machines and it’s the same with both

It’s as if there is some latency between the SG receiving midi clock and triggering the seq or arp starting. I’ve got the SG set to external clock and I’d expect it lock to that which it does but with a lag

I just wanted to ask the question here before I raise a ticket with UDO in case I’d missed something

Edit. I’ve just plugged it back in and set up the drum machine and narrowed it down a bit…

If I start the drum machine then turn on the arp it doesn’t snap to the incoming clock. It’s getting the clock and is in time but isn’t in sync. If I stop the drum machine and restart with the arp engaged it’s bang on in time. However a few times when it’s been in sync and I’ve changed the clock division of the arp it’s lost its sync again. It doesn’t happen every time and doesn’t seem related to when I actually turn the switch (if I do it ‘off the beat’ I can hear the SG play the first note off then snap back in time). Stopping the drum machine and restarting it seems to snap it back again so it must be using the midi start stop to sync the arp. But there is still the issue when changing the clock division

Either way it seems to be fine as long as I engage the arp before it gets its start stop message and I leave the clock division alone!

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Ah, apologies then, hope my reply didn’t confuse things. I haven’t progressed much beyond a Jupiter 6 for my arpeggiation as so many modern synths feel sloppy in comparison.

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Not at all, thanks for your input!

Love my JP4 arp… it’s nice and easy to play nicely with anything with an old fashioned clock output!

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I was having a lot of timing issues trying to sync the Super Gemini to either my EP-133 or my Tempest. I finally purchased a Sim’n Tonic Nome II as my master clock and have the SG and EP-133 on one DIN, and the Tempest on the other.

This has tightened things up considerably, and as long as I press start on the Nome II sometime before the SG is engaged everything seems tightly synced. If I don’t press start beforehand, then the clock the right tempo, but the SG will be off beat.