Mod matrix range adjustments

I’m a bit confused as to what reasoning is behind the way the modulation works on the super 6 …
The most obvious way to my mind , would be to have the modulation amount relative to the extent of each parameter ,
Eg if I assign lfo 2 to the filter cut off , then the maximum amount could move the filter from fully closed to fully open … if the filter was completely closed or at zero …
but this is not the case for many parameters I would like to modulate …
What seems to be the case is that the plus minus scales that we set in the mod matrix affect some parameter way less …
For example try using the lfo2 to modulate the decay of the looping envelope …
the whole point to me of modulation is to free hands to use to play keys and maybe other modulations …
With these mod amounts set so low ,it doesn’t tap into half of what the synth can do …
you don’t limit the range of the arp to play only a few keys when you can play ten keys with your hands … so why do this with mod sources…
If you need less range of modulation , you can just dial less modulation plus or minus into the matrix …
But if you need more your back to using hands …
I really don’t get it … ?
Please Can someone from UDO reply on the official stance of this discision .?
I’m not sure if this is the right place to raise this , but it’s a major let down of the synth for me …


Many here and elsewhere have been asking for full modulation range for a while. Hopefully the UDO team will unlock those parameters.


Yup. Here are 2 previous threads on the topic:

I suggest submitting a feature request on this.


since I wrote this I have tried to document the differences, so the support team could fully understand my issue.
so, one weekend I went about each parameter and tried to assign various different modulators to various different sources …
I discovered the example that I had mentioned above (example try using the lfo2 to modulate the decay of the looping envelope ) reacted very differently this time …
this time tried this I noticed the sustain was all the way down , and once I had moved it up , the decay stage modulation acted very differently , there was much more movement , ample for what I was trying to do … the envelope was looping by the way …
in my finding this ,I kept this knowledge as I tested other areas …
and I did find a few similar things that could be perceived this way ,modulating the filter is a prime example … as there are so many ways to modulate it , depending on what source is set at what depth , one such source may seem to do nothing.
this is basic stuff for me with the filter as its so easy to hear what’s happening … eg like when you you assign an lfo or an envelope to the a filter but you don’t have the filter shut down enough to hear the modulations effect…
but other destinations for mods aren’t so easy to hear for me …
to conclude my testing of modulation depths ,after a good 4 hour session I think that the synth will kinda do what ever I need it to do , each destination I applied modulation to I was able to get the amount I needed and more than I needed after some careful adjustments of mod depths in the matrix .
I think when I had wrote the original comment… I wasn’t in the same head space , and the example I gave was maybe one of the first things I tried , and I got pretty frustrated and disappointed and started writing before experiencing what I did when I sat down for 4 hours a couple weeks ago …
so I just wanted to correct my comment ,so as I didn’t put anyone off of this wonderful synth …

saying that all i’m getting today is all leds flashing , no sound , unable to do anything but watch the light show… lets hope is something simple …
and some restart with a button push and a refresh might help …

This is another thing that I would like to bump - full ranges would be AWESOME!

On a very specific note, I also am bothered that the maximum value of the VCF slider in the bender section does not open the full range of the filter. You can work around it with the mod matrix, but it would sure be a treat if that could be tweaked. Maybe it’s the oldschool Roland head in me, but I am fond of the option to sweep the filter like that and it adds to the performability of the section.

@DDS / @udo-audio - also, is there a better way to make feature requests? I feel sorry for your notifications, I promise I will stop if email is preferred/etc.

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Hi @avery.moss.magic, yes you can use the mod matrix to get more range if you need. I agree some more range on the dedicated fader would be nice, @DDS can you upvote this please thanks!