Parameter jumps behaviour

Hi all, I’m very close to pulling the trigger on a Super 6.
I have a question regarding the pot and slider behaviour once you have changed patch.

Does the parameter jump to where the new patch has it registered?
Or are there options, like on some Dave Smith gear - where you can select to have them behave as “pass thru” relative" or “jump” …

This is something that has always stuck with me after experiencing those options - it becomes frustrating not having them.

Any comments or thoughts welcome.

Jumps. But recently just been keeping mine on Manual mode from bootup, 100% of the time, so never a problem.


Same. Manual more is best anyway.
default patches don’t really do it for me .
but now that I’m saving my own patches, I still wish the was something we could do about the parameter jumps .

Do you have a way of making the S6 auto boot into manual mode?

I prefer l mode also, but auto booting into a true manual mode would be amazing.
