Parameter jump behavior adjustments playing a preset

Does it jump? If so… might this be remedied?


That’s what I would like to know …

Mine arrives on Monday and the one issue I already have kinda relates to this - more specifically to the use of switches for, say, VCF tracking and drive.
I was wondering whether it’s technically feasible to have these switches, in particular, only take effect on voices triggered after the switch position has changed? In other words, if I adjust the amount of filter tracking, I really don’t want to hear that audible jump in voices already sounding. Does that make sense?

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oops, dead thread. Sorry.

Finally got a Super 6.
Loving it…still wish there was something we could do about the parameter jumps though.
manual mode is the key but would be nice to be able to change patch and not get the parameter jumps …

any chance of this being resolved in an update ?

This is what requested too in this topic "Catch up" mode support for Super 6? Feature idea/suggestion

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