Poly aftertouch keybed retrofit kit for Super 6

I got my ST49 a couple of days ago, and tried it out with some of my patches plus with many more from third parties, so I’d like to share my initial experience with it.

First of all, installing it was very easy after I saw the Starsky Carr video: the video showed the more complex steps (to me, how to attach the ST49 cord, and how to align the keybed so the screws would fit decently) and it was extremely useful just to avoid the inherent scariness of dismantling a synth. I think without the video I would have been more anxious through the whole process.

About how the poly AT maps to existing patches, I think UDO did a great job with patch 1.4: the strategy to use the PB controls for the AT while leaving the PB functionality fixed, when LFO2 is in ON mode, is excellent. The only minor issue is that it removes some of the utility of the BEND - and BEND + mod sources: I use them sometimes as “macro controls” to modulate several destinations at the same time, and when I do I generally don’t want to also affect the pitch. If we ever get a settings.txt file, this might be a useful setting to add.

Personally, I find the ST49 feel to be absolutely fantastic: I can understand that, depending on how you play, the AT might be a little too reactive, but given the way I do, I love the “organic” feel of the keys, and the fact that I have plenty of room to add aftertouch to the individual notes. In fact, I think the ST49 is truly transformative for the Super 6, and turns it into something different in a sense, something much more interactive, that can be used to produce expressive ambient sounds: it’s not just an add-on. To me, UDO nailed it.

My very first experiment was to map the AT to the ENV LEVEL at +100%, which basically produces sound only when the AT is engaged, something that works perfectly with the ST49. But I noticed (with patch 1.4) that also existing patches, with more classic AT implementations, become something different with poly AT, because it has the effect of almost producing multitimbrality, if for example the left hand applies more pressure than the right.

Overall, I think that, with the ST49, the best strategy for sounds with AT when playing sections that don’t need it is to temporarily disable it by selecting TRIG on the on the modulation switch, and set it back to where it was when instead AT is needed: this way, I don’t risk to trigger it by mistake.

To conclude, I’m super happy with the ST49: it’s a game changer in terms of how it transforms the expressiveness of the Super 6, and I am grateful to UDO for having provided it as an option for this synth.


I’m really, really happy with the ST49, and I don’t want to end on a sour note, but I’d like to mention something about customs. I’m from Italy, and I had to pay a steep customs fee for it. TBH, I didn’t understand, when I preordered it, that I would have to pay customs (and I think it’s the same for many others). In fact, I’m almost happy that I didn’t, because if I realized at the time what the true cost of the ST49 would have been, I could have passed on it, due to the steep price. Luckily, paying customs was not a big deal, but it might not be the same for others, and this, unfortunately, makes the ST49 less accessible that it could be, and it’s a shame because, as I wrote, I think it truly upgrades the Super 6 to something more. Honestly, I’m not sure how UDO could help here, but I just wanted to mention that the need to pay customs adds an extra barrier to the accessibility of these instruments. For example, I just saw the listing for the RBN-1, and I’m excited for it, but the fact that I’ll need to pay customs again for it brings the overall price to something I’m unfortunately not comfortable with.


Been using the ST49 for about a week now… its wonderful and I really appreciate Udos commitment to the playability of their instruments. IMO this is something so overlooked with synthesizers - so very easy to support Udo because of this.

My one request is to include some sort of manual selection of AT sensitivity where we don’t have to power cycle the synth to restart the auto calibration - something similar to the way sequential does it would be so helpful. I run a music studio and keyboard/synth players will come by to record and we’ve been having to use the prophet as controller for players with heavier fingers. All i want is to have them rip on the Super 6 but actually be able to use the AT on the ST49 without having to adjust playing style!

If that is somehow possible to be included in the next update, I personally wouldn’t change anything else… this thing is a beast!!

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@MoDali thanks for your feedback. Putting a product out there is a great way to find out how people play and use it. I like the light touch, and we have had some feedback like yours that it is a bit sensitive. Interestingly a lot of engineering at FATAR and UDO has gone into making something so sensitive to light pressure, it’s much easier to turn it down. Leave it with us, we’ll work out an option for users who want to reduce sensitivity. Interestingly there already is an aftertouch extra dead zone function for MPE mode that I found was needed for the Roli seaboard. Maybe we can share the same button to add a small dead zone for the ST49 if used.


Installed mine today, fairly straightforward. What a difference it makes to the instrument though. The action feels really dialled in, I love the expression in velocity that is now available. I feel newly connected to my synth, well worth the upgrade IMO.

I do have a slight click on a couple of the black keys. I’ve read above that people have been adding grease to some keys, what is the procedure here?! The click is liveable but it would be better without.

Also I think it would be great if LFO 2 had a mode where it would reset the cycle on each key stroke, so you can get predictable modulation with AT applied. Is this possible/desirable?

Thanks UDO!

I installed my ST49 on Saturday. I used a combination of the manual and Starsky Carr’s excellent video. Very straightforward and no problems. I love the new keybed, makes me really want to play my gorgeous blue Super 6. However I find the Poly AT has really messed with a lot of the sounds I have on it. And I’m not sure how to dial it down. Is there an overall setting without having to go into each patch?

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I managed to fix the clicking keys after liaising with support.

Further to my LFO 2 query, is it possible for AT->Bend to trigger a negative pitch bend? It would be nice to be able to switch.

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So, I love my ST49 kit and have had no install problems. Question for @udo-audio - when LFO 2 switch is set to the up position ON (AT+BEND) the pitch bend is permanently set to a whole step up and down, and the DDS slider does nothing but set the aftertouch depth. The VCF slider still applies to both the bend lever and the aftertouch - could the DDS slider do the same? It would be awesome to be able to use that instead of making it locked. Thanks!

Also - question for folks who have installed the kit… I am getting REALLY sensitive veloctiy values from my keys, including near-max velocity without playing particularly hard. I saw reports the aftertouch was really sensitive, but it looks like the velocity is too? It makes it VERY hard to use it as a master keyboard, which is a bummer.

The velocity curve has definitely changed (either the keyboard or on the firmware update that added some changes to it) - but I much prefer this new velocity to the old one. Before the update, I was mostly playing velocity off because I couldn’t get it just right on the S6 keyboard, but now with the poly AT keyboard and the latest firmware it’s pitch perfect. Wouldn’t change a thing.

Feels like I don’t have to think about the velocity at all after the update, whereas previously it was constantly too low for my playing style and I ended up just disabling the velocity settings.

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So, the only way to get the keybed upgrade is to buy straight from UDO webshop? Meaning everyone in Europe would have to pay the atrocious import fee on top of the already quite high price?

Happy to see some Eurpean retailers are getting SuperTouch Kit in stock. Still, quite the premium, 450 euro. I can buy another synth for that money lol. But i think im going to get one. Velocity response is terrible on the regular Super6, no consistency. Really curious how it will be to have sensitive aftertouch. I’m so used to squeezing the life out of my fingers only to get a sudden jolt of modulation by now. The new keybed would also be the main key controller for a Dreadbox Murmux, can’t wait to play with poly AT!

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The official ST49 Patch Pack that was posted on Instagram doesn’t seem to be on the website, unless I’m not looking in the right place?

I have the same pair - a ST49-outfitted Super 6 and a Murmux Adept…hope it inspires some new patch packs from you!!! :wink:


So i received the ST49 today, just had time to install it and do a very short test to confirm it’s working. It changes a lot, very good velocity translation, aftertouch is controlleable, quite sensitive, but just not too much to be prohibitive. I like it. Btw a little factoid i learnt from George Hearns’ visit to Gaz Williams’s podcast is that they have had the keybed especially made for the Super6 as there was none that met the requirements in that formfactor. That makes me understand the premium price better. Gotta say the whole build quality/engineering on the inside of the S6 is impressive as well.


It seems to be sold out :frowning: will it be back in stock?

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I’m having issues with the ST49 modulating anything consistently in 12-voice mode.

For example, if I try use AT as source to modulate cross mod, I can only get it to modulate on every other key press.

you can buy it via thomann

i hope the ribbon would be available from retailers soon. i bought the super touch via udo and the import cost beside taxes was quite high(Greece)


I have successfully installed the ST49 in mn Super-6. Every init patch now has extreme vibrato under the AT when I press a key harder. How can I turn this off?

@esmeets in the left hand performance control section, the leftmost two faders will control the amount of aftertouch applied to vibrato and VCF modulation by LFO2. You can also disable AT at any point by switching LFO2 Mode to TRIG only, (down position)

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The SuperTouch 49 is sold out…
I’m very interested to update my beautiful super 6.
Will there be a next batch of SuperTouch 49?

best regards