just an idea: what about an antenna to modulate amp level and pitch, like a theremin?
I saw a 6-8hp front panel for a eurorack module. Curious what that will be. The ribbon was a worthy upgrade to my Super 8, so whatever is next will most likely be awesome. I like this new scrappy economic approach to the product line up. It’s hard to sell 4k synths but little upgrades is an easy sell. I would spring for the UDO drum machine.
Funny you should say that. I was just wondering the other day whether there was a theremin-based device that could be plugged into an expression port. I didn’t turn anything up in my brief search and so was considering asking a friend to see if he could build one.
UDO would destroy my budget now if they would come out with a drum machine/module.
+1 to this. I’d much prefer a single more spicy and interesting delay option that contrasts nicely with the current clean delay, over a reverb and/or multiple other delays.
Yes! This effect would be very in line with how this synth sounds in general.
First report I’ve seen from the Buchla & Friends event, looks like UDO showed some special editions, though not sure if “for market”. And a module to adapt the Ribbon to Eurorack. I was quite excited by what I thought might be hints of a little FX box add-on, with perhaps patch management and stuff, but doesn’t look like anything like that showed up…