Super6 data viewer

Hi, I am y4i.
I am a Super 6 desktop user.
I am developing a simple web tool to check the contents of Super6 data.

The tool now has the following two functions.
・The ability to view ws6 waveforms, and to confirm the sound of those waveforms via Web Audio.
・A function that allows you to view the contents of a qs6 sequence.

I am planning to release it eventually, but I am wondering how many people are interested in it.

Udo Audio has been very helpful in teaching me about file formats.
Thanks so much.

Super 6 is my favorite synthesizer.



Thanks to everyone who liked it.
I just cut out the waveform part and deployed it.

Of course it’s free!
If you are interested, please feel free to try it!
I’d be happy to get your feedback.

Thanks for reading!


Is anyone interested in making a WAVE with a formula?
I have made a few and I think I can do it.
The tool generates a ws6 file after checking the sound of the wave created by the formula.

Screen Shot 2023-02-02 at 23.29.53


Sharing my progress.

I have tried to create different waveforms with the formula.
And now I can check the sound in WebAudio.

I will start generating the ws6 files tomorrow.


Paging @worblyhead He made a few cool custom waves based on circular formula I think.

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@y4i (and @HermetechMastering) That looks to be a pretty cool tool you got working there. I am in the midst of exploring a lot of different single cycle waveforms (SCW) based on mathematical formulas. A few examples:

  1. here are a few synthetic/geometric sinusoids plotted in Desmos:

I only have the circular waveform as a ws6 SCW currently (see attached)

Squircle_1_Circle.ws6 (8 KB)

I can create the WS6 files for the rest if any one is interested

  1. Here is the Desmos graph for a waveform based upon the Squircle geometric shape.

By adjusting the parameter “i” in the graph you can see the waveform change from circular to a square and all points in between. Although UDO Super 6 does NOT currently support wavetables, I have created a Serum compatible wavetable file which contains waveforms morphing from a circular wave to a square wave. When sweeping the wavetable in Serum (or your favorite wavetable oscillator) sounds like a square wave running through a resonant filter. I have attached the wavetable. You should change the file extension from *.bin to *.wave. PLEASE NOTE, UDO SUPER 6 DOES NOT SUPPORT WAVETABLES. I am only uploading if folks are interested.

Squircle_2048Samples_64Tables_20230129T063222.bin (512.0 KB)

  1. One more type of waveform I am investigating. This one is based on the Weierstrass function which essentially is a fractal waveform. If enough iterations of the summation are performed you can keeping zooming in on the signal and the waveform will look the same at smaller scales as it does at larger scales. As ws6 files are limited to 4096 Samples, we can’t eek out that much detail/resolution, but I still find this sort of thing fun to check out
  1. Last one (for now :slight_smile: ) is what I call Trig Inception as the geometry created is the result of heavily nested sin and cosine formulas.

From the geometrical figure, I am creating 2 separate wave forms. One is the result of taking the Y-coordinate of the geometry while traversing counterclockwise around the figure (similar thing is done when relating a circle and sine and cosine wave). The second waveform is simply created from taking the X-coordinate of the geometry while travelling around the figure counterclockwise.

Apologies for the long winded reply, but I like geeking out over this type of stuff. Whether any of these waves are interesting in a musical context is in the ear of the beholder. Some of the geometries I have SCW’s for. A lot of stuff I am still studying and coding stuff up. My initial and main interest in looking at geometric sources for SCW and wavetables is in sonification. What does/could the geometry “sound” like? What do changes in the geometric shape sound like? etc.




I looked at the Desmos waveforms.
All the data have interesting shapes.
When it comes to the Trig Inception Waveform, it is a wonderful job that I am not able to achieve.

The tool I am developing may have difficulty representing complex mathematical expressions due to the limitations of the javascript library that calculates mathematical expressions and my development skills.
I am aiming for a simple flow that can easily create waveforms from equations using trigonometric functions, check their sound, and generate ws6 files.

When I release my tool, I hope you will use it and share the formulas that produce interesting waveforms.

Even if a formula cannot generate a waveform now, it may be possible to add functionality by modifying it since the calculation library is OSS.
Currently there was no floor function, but I added a floor function to realize sawtooth waves.


No worries at all. I just wanted to give a few examples of how I use geometry/equations to explore single cycle waves. I use DESMOS sometimes for visualizing stuff. I then use MATLAB to realize the math(s) and create the wave files etc. as some of the formulas need more calculation setup etc. before the waves can be saved to file.

Regardless, I will definitely check out your tooling for creating and viewing WS6 files. Keep up the good work and have a great weekend.

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I have deployed it.

You can find sample formulas on the page, so if you copy and paste them first, you will understand how it works.

I think it lacks a lot of functions, but if you are interested, please try it out.

I have tested the file on my SUPER6, but please do so at your own risk.

Screen Shot 2023-02-04 at 22.20.32


This is a great thread guys! If you come up with any cool new waveforms please share them with us :slight_smile: George


One last piece of geekery that I forgot to add from my previous post (don’t remember if I have posted about it in the past). One interesting source of waveforms derived from parametric geometry formulas is the Gielis Super Formula

Here is a DESMOS sketch I put together to dig deeper into this formulation

Tweaking just one of the associated formula parameters can result in a large change of the geometry itself as well as the shape of any derived SCWs. For example, hit the play control for the n_3 parameter in the DESMOS sketch to see how the SCWs change quite drastically. This formula is a rat hole of interesting waveforms.

Have a great weekend folks.



I have deployed the page where you can check the qs6 data I showed you in my first post.

If you press the “step” button, the chord for that step will be displayed on the keyboard below.

As with all pages, the UI is still under development.
I plan to improve the UI if I see an increase in access.

I still need to develop a tool to view the contents of the patch data(.s6).
The structure of the data is understood, but the UI is still not clear, so the completion date is still undecided.



This is so cool. I will bookmark this for later and try generating some crazy waves! Thanks so much for creating this!


Just chiming in to say that this looks really cool. Viewing patch data would be really great.


Thank you all for using the tools I have created.

My interest in waveforms is only growing.
I am making a tool to write waveforms by hand for myself.
You can draw a waveform like the one in the image in a few seconds.

Are you all interested?


That looks like it would be great fun - the maths is unfortunately over my head so doodling and being able to hear the wave before export both make for great features!


I have also added the ability to read and edit existing ws6 files.
It will be ready to publish sooner than expected.


I am also developing a function to extract ws6 from existing wav files.
This will be easier to generate high quality waveforms.


Two new features have been deployed.
The first function is to generate ws6 from an existing wav file.
It is a bit complicated to use, but the minimum usage is described in the tooltip on the canvas where the waveform is displayed.
If you do not understand how to use it, please ask questions here.
ws6 sampling tool

The second function is to draw waveforms directly.
You can also load an existing ws6 file and edit it.
I have also added the ability to generate random waveforms.
ws6 draw tool

If you can generate interesting waveforms or find interesting ways to use them, please share them with me here.


Thx a lot for this thread, the math functions and also for the discovery of all those tools (Desmos…).
Will try adding the formula input in the Super 6 editor’s Wave manager.

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