From what I can tell, the Drift parameter seems to be applying an LFO to parameters such as tuning in much the same way that the Slop function on DSI synths worked.
It would be great if this could be revised to stable per-parameter offsets like Sequential’s vintage knob, Arturia’s “analog accuracy” and Groove Synthesis’s “circuit drift”. The latter two of these brought in Jason Cooper (CreativeSpiral) as a consultant, making use of his deep research into what gives old analogue synths the character we so adore.
His work is detailed on his website:
It would be brilliant if UDO could similarly make use of Jason’s work.
You’re welcome. The link is working again now.
I’ve been asking for this one since 2021. It would be so nice to get it on the UDO synths. Improved Drift
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@DDS please can you upvote improved drift thanks!
This is an interesting read. I like the idea of each voice - vco, filter, vca, and envelopes having a relatively stable offset. However, fixed offsets to each voice component played with the round-robin scheme might produce patterns. That can be good or bad. A small amount of individual ‘slop’ applied to each of these offsets keeps things interesting. This reminds me of analog vcos with a shift register and hocketing. I can tune 4 analog oscs by ear, but because I tuned them and I’m not a machine, each voice is a tad sharp or flat or offset if you will. As the hocketing scheme plays out - forward, reverse, pendulum, random, those offsets create the ‘drifting’ sound.
Thank you! An improved drift would really help with achieving the chorusing imperfections we love from older instruments but with the spectacular sounds of UDO.
Still crossing my fingers on this one!
Yes, me too. Let’s hope and see 
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