2 x Super 6 - 12 Voice mode

I’m thinking of experimenting with making a voice allocator in RNBO with a Blokes pisound or a Blokas midi hub but essentially the idea would be that Super 6 users could switch to 12 Voice mode and once all the 6 super voices are in use additional voices would be sent out of the midi port to a second Super 6 or Super 6 Desktop. Would be great if this worked for MPE output too once the upgraded keyboard has been installed.

In theory this would mean you could have another Super 6/Super 6 Desktop and have 12 Voices to play with for longer release keys and pads sounds.

I appreciate that the Super Gemini does all this (I would love to have one) and more but for those with an existing Super 6 it would offer an upgrade path to more voices and means you can take the S6 on the road but come back to 12 voices in the studio. Just load the same patches on both machines (or not for more experimental/altered sounds).

Perhaps I’m missing something fundamental here but definitely sound fun to me!

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I’ve got the same thoughts as well; I have two Super 6 desktops. I’m not sure how it works though dynamically with modulations and control of things. You can have the same patches loaded but if you change anything on one synth, the other will not be changed (unless all the controls are CC mapped to the first one). Is there a way to readily do this?

I don’t think it would be completely seamless but in theory if you have a controller keyboard and something like the midi hub I described above you can send the same CC messages and program changes to both of your S6 Desktops at the same time. I don’t know if you can get one synth to change the parameters on the other one though. The sequencers should definitely sync and program changes should also work so if you were to copy the Banks/Sequences/Waves from S6 A to S6 B then you should be able to jump around different patches at the same time in theory.

I think if you really want that seamless experience then the Super Gemini is the one to have but if you’re happy to sound design the patches where you need more voices on S6 A and then copy it across to S6 B it could still be fun to play with and maybe adding small amounts of variation could add character to the sound. I always have mine attached to the computer via USB so would be easy to copy sounds between the 2 machines.

Anyway I’ll post back once I’ve figured out the voice allocation side. I’ll try the Blokas midi hub first as I have one of those I can play with. I don’t have a second S6 to test it on right now so will use a soft synth as my B machine to try it.

why not use BOME midi translator pro to duplicate CC and send midi CC notes to both units?
In addition, although I’ve not experimented with BMTp in this regard, it’s pretty powerful and a quick look online returns the info to be able to send even note #s to one synth, and odd note #s to another…

Yes, I’m sure this would work too. Definitely worth looking at

This is a great idea, and one which I’ve tried already, albeit with another analogue synth and a Sequentix Cirklon doing voice allocation. However, for this application, either a BOME box or Blokas Midihub would work better. Voice allocation is already made internally in Super6, though you can programme Blokas/BOME to do MIDI overflow, whereas Cirklon won’t. Personally, my programming skills aren’t good enough.

Cirklon allocates monophonic voices to up to 16 MIDI channels, changing the round-robin voice order when 2 or more notes are played: e.g. 1234 - 1324 - 2341 etc in a 4 voice config. This has an advantage, because settings for tune, filter, cutoff or anything can be slightly different for each voice, making it closer to a wonky old vintage analogue machine.

That’s why internal voice allocation in Super6 won’t be quite the same as MIDI overflow, used to gain more polyphony.

Ok, so I’ve tried the built in voice allocation in the Blokas midi hub with a Super 6 and a 3rd Wave and the voice part works well but obviously I now need to get my hands on another Super 6 to actually test it properly.

With the midi hub you could also send simultaneous program change/CC data to both synths too.

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