Anyone uses the SPL Marc One between UDO synth, Speakers, and occasionally DAW?


I currently have an Audient ID14 MKII. Nice and all, but somehow having to plug it through USB-C on my Mac everytime I want to play and hear them through the Genelec 8030c is a kind of PITA.

I tried to have it fed with a simple USB-C charger; it boots, but no sound; apparently, it needs a computer at the other end of the USB connection, sadly…

I find back something I was considering when I was searching an interface: the SPL Marc One.
This one is a bit more a Monitors control, but it still has unbalanced and balanced inputs, balanced monitor outs (even a sub one) and has a very nice crossfeed feature built in for Headphones (I love this, I built some headphones amps with crossfeed years ago, let’s not discuss if this is useful or not, it is a bonus for me :slight_smile: ).

Is anyone have some experience with the SPL unit?
What are the inputs quality? The AD/DA seem to be of a very high quality too…
It seems to be completely class compliant under Mac/PC without any mixing/settings software needed…

Thanks already for your feedback