In MPE mode, I can't get PED/CV and/or BEND to respond polyphonically

What in the world…

I have to admit, I almost didn’t believe you at first. I mean, thousands of people on the internet claim that they’ve seen Bigfoot as well. But when I got home today, I read the 3.0 version of the manual (which was released in July 2021, long before the MPE update), which is the printed manual that I got with the synth (weird, but I guess the retailer had this unit in storage a long time before selling it to me), and there’s a section about MPE there that reads more or less exactly as the section in version 4.0 of the manual.

I agree that it might be unwise to include a roadmap in the box, but if you’re going to state things that are not implemented yet in the manual (I guess this was done in order to make the manual more future proof, but I don’t know), according to me, you at least have to make it super clear that that is the case (or maybe there’s some document that was supposed to be included that I didn’t got). How else are you even supposed to be able to read the manual when anything could just be a wish rather than a fact?

I’m sorry for ranting here, and I really don’t mean to come of as a complaining douche bag. I think this synth both sounds and looks fabulous (it’s one of the best I’ve ever tried), but unless the documentation in my specific case was incomplete, this has to be the biggest facepalm moment that I ever experienced when it comes to music gear :upside_down_face:

You, or someone else, wouldn’t happen to have a copy of the original roadmap document or know where I can find it? It would be interesting to know how it was written (this has nothing to do with my original problem; I’m just curious).