New UDO Ribbon controller RBN-1

Yes, we will indeed :slight_smile:


And maybe a Super 6 with the updated keyboard, for us to try? :wink:
(see you there)

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Pretty sure that will be there, they had it at Superbooth.

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I like the decal. I’m glad you bothered doing that. It’s a nice touch :blush:

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When is the deadline to order one? I’m going to place an order in the next couple weeks.

Well the video with Gaz pushed me over the edge to take the plunge. Ribbon ordered. :wink:


Hey, any news on when the RBN-1 might start shipping? Halfway through December now :grin:


I got a notice mine shipped today from UK → USA and should arrive just before Chris Kringle on 12/24. :smiley:


Got the shipped notification today, arriving tomorrow!

Got my delivery info - Monday. Got a livestreaming gig on Saturday night and had hoped to use it then but still pretty excited. Presume I’ll need a firmware update for that ‘smart pitch’ stuff seen on Gaz’s show?

Yes for super 6 please update to 1,6 online now

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