Using Super 6 with Push 3

I recently got the Push 3 and was trying to use it for playing the Super 6 in MPE mode. I tried reading the manual but didn’t really understand how to best setup everything. Has someone got similar setup and have some insight to share? Any advice on how to setup everything would be highly appreciated!

Havent tried, will try soon, can only offer some vaguer advice right at this moment:

Switch MPE mode on on the Super 6, have to do this for every preset you want to use with Push 3 in full expressive mode.

Set External Instrument device in Live to use MPE rather than a single MIDI channel.

Pressure on pads of Push should be the same as aftertouch as far as Super 6 in MPE mode is concerned, so use mod matrix to assign that to specific super 6 parameters.

Be aware that MPE CC74, which is sent by Push 3 when you move your fingers nearer or further away from you on the pads, is currently hard-wired to filter cutoff on Super 6. This is not how the manual described it, and is a big big shame. If you dont want this to happen, you will probably have to fudge something on the Live side of things. More on this when I get a chance to try.

Maybe this will help setting up the Super 6:

Hi there!

Just wondering if you ever got anywhere with your S6 and Push 3. I’m currently attempting the same, but for some strange reason the S6 does not seem to be receiving MIDI data from Push.

Push 3 is running in standalone mode and I suspect it is the culprit (tested with other synths and the issue remains).

I’m trying to do this over a USB connection, but the 3.5mm doesn’t seem to work either (though I have had issues with these in the past from one device to the next).

Thanks in advance,

When using USB MIDI on Push, make sure the device is actually enabled in Push settings, thats the first potential hurdle you are running into. See the stuff that starts at about the 45 second mark of this video:

Also see the stuff from about the 1 minute 13 second mark of that video for then putting an External MIDI Device on a track and setting it to use the right MIDI connection. This is also where you would set it to MPE, although that isnt covered in that video, and lets just start with the basics first before addressing the devilish details of that side of things later if required.

By the way, when it does come to getting the most you can out of Push 3 MPE with Super 6, in recent Super 6 firmware something I said in my April 2024 post above is no longer the case, since I believe the Super 6 MPE setting is now global rather than something you have to set on a per preset basis.

Hi Steve,

Thanks for your reply.

Yes, I can confirm the device was properly enabled. After a few reboots of both Push and my S6 I was eventually able to get it working. Might have been some sort of bug with Push (I have encountered several so far).