I’d like to formally note a bug in the current firmware. Nearly every time I switch from mono mode (whether unison/solo/legato mode) to poly modes (either 1 or 2), a voice gets stuck and functionally makes my Super 6 a Super 5. It’s a subtle but because it doesn’t cause a dead voice, but I started to notice it in the studio when tracking a six note pluck part and hearing voice stealing when I got to 5 notes.
This has been confirmed to be an issue by support and they say they are working on a fix for it. Really a bummer because the only way to fix the problem is a power cycle, which is inconvenient to have to do mid-set EVERY time I play a mono patch live.
Just wanted to let folks know that if it’s happening to you, is a bug in the voice assignment on the firmware side and not a dead voice card.
sad but true, same here
This was fixed in the newest OS update, head to UDO website to download!
All credit due to their killer team for catching this bug, it has been squashed within the week I reported it - I just didn’t see your comment @Filipvarial
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