When is the new Firmware going to be released?

How does one download one of the newer beta versions of the firmware?

As someone who is buying soon (something; this or similar), I can’t say it makes me feel too confident in this product since it seems far from finished and hasn’t been updated in so long despite being released several years ago. A note to the developers, please realize new buyers and your reputation is on the line.

If I may, I have been using my Super 6 for about a month now, and it does feel like a complete instrument. One that is worth every cent, and every minute spent with the manual. Considering you are not buying from a huge company, the fact that it is so good in the first place is already something incredible.

Besides, I strongly disagree with the sentiment that long-term support hurts confidence in a product. But maybe that’s just me.

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I’d say, with all honesty, as someone who lives off of music, that I have used the super 6 quite a lot for the last 3 years. There have been a couple of issues during the first year or so that bugged me, but nothing too dramatic.

What worries me the most, are the endless requests for new features in a keyboard that needs to create button combos to accommodate them. I don’t mind a few, but it looks like this could end a bit like playing mortal kombat. I’m personally happy with what it does, and I would prefer the company to make those features a 100% bug free, and polish all the timbric nuances rather than having all this extra features clogging the updates. When things are properly working and smooth, of course it’d be nice to have the extra features.

Unfortunately most smaller company synths in history suffered from similar issues, and the key, imo, is to vertebrae and concentrate in the important things to allow the company to grow, having of course properly functioning instruments must be the 1st. There are loads of companies that went sideways when trying to cover too much.

Just my opinion.


Mortal Kombat lol it’s a fair point which would be solved by a PC/Mac/iPad app or editor. The Matriarch has global setting implemented this way and it’s a nightmare knowing what’s what!

Had my S6 for a year or two and can confirm it’s a good sounding and very well built synth, that said it can be a bit buggy at times but workable . Things I would like to see improved are mainly related to the ‘unique’ way to load sound banks etc into the S6 from a Mac - its just silly, incredibly old fashioned and frustrating to say the least - UDO PLEASE SORT IT OUT. Secondly one more bank of sounds would be helpful esp if someone actually comes up with a fully working librarian (windows AND Mac) .
I feel that anyone purchasing a very expensive synth from a small company must accept that they are taking a huge gamble. That said people who have taken the gamble seem to love their S6s and find workarounds when faced with issues (with the S6 it’s mainly software issues ). The third thing that pisses me of about UDO is the on-going promising of new software which they claim will address all known issues with the S6 including ensuring all the functions mentioned in the owners manual actually work - it never seems to arrive and with the Gemini issues , it may never arrive - who knows.


I appreciate that. but we needed VCA gain modulation and a few bugs needed to be fixed. I’m super grateful that UDO are taking the time to add these things & fixes to an already beautiful synth that I love and plan to make my main axe when the features I need are officially solidified. I’m really, really looking forward to the new firmware release. So I hear your fair point, but please know there are many of us that would love to see our reasonable feature requests met and bugs solved. Nothing I’ve been made aware of so far in the development has resulted in any sort of over-the-top-button-mashing-fest as you guys are describing. It’s all pretty reasonable and I bet you guys will be really happy when we finally have VCA gain as a mod destination among other things that’ll truly take this synth to the next level. It’s already my favorite instrument that I have. It’s about to be even better. Sorry to single out this post, not meant with any sense of being contrarian. I just don’t want to see a bunch of folks hopping on a bandwagon of trying to convince UDO not to finish the development. Some of us are really passionate about the updates we’re hoping to receive soon.


I fully agree. As someone with a S6 Desktop, I am super excited about MIDI improvements. Part of the appeal of the UDO to me is the « fast screenless workflow » aspect. I would rather see it complete and bugfree than stretch itself to try and do stuff other instruments do better.


I would rather see the S6 complete and bug free .
but a fix for the control panel not working BUG is a must.


@udo-audio any firmware related news to share? The midi sync issues are kinda hard to work around.

Looks like beginning of June!

The home page of UDO website displays that firmware 1.0 of the Super 6 will be release on June 3rd. We’ve been waiting for it for over 20 months.. I hope it will fix all bugs.

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June 3rd is in 3 weeks from now.
Previously on this channel: last year around this time the S6 new firmware was going to be released ‘ASAP’ after Superbooth… :expressionless:


little tremor and finger shake

3 weeks is nothing. This thread started because they said it was going to be released shortly after they got back from Superbooth 2023 lol

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Heck yeah! A new synth! OF course we fucked on again.

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3 weeks is „shortly after Superbooth“ - 2024 :innocent:

Sorry but what do you mean?

They have also announced that the S6 firmware update will be coming June, and poly AT upgrade is available to pre-order.

I’m not a Gemini owner but I would imagine that will be next in line for s/w updates (if they are required).

UDO are a small company (or at least from what I can tell they are)… there is only so much resource they can allocate to updates etc.

Their s/w updates don’t generate revenue… their products do.

As a S6 owner, I’m all for new products from UDO (which I have no plan on buying) which will keep paying their bills and let them keep supporting existing customers.

Sorry for the rant but I think UDO are doing a commendable job all things considered… there must be a lot of plates to spin.

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I understand y’all’s skepticism - we have heard UDO move the goal posts before and become accustomed to missed release dates. Still, it’s a great thing that they are listening and it is clear that they have been working to consider feedback from their user-base. My feeling is that they will indeed release on June 3rd, given the announcement. :crossed_fingers:t4:

I’ve owned a s6 since 2021. Been waiting for an update for two years, but two new synths were made. Look, I get it, no need to explain small company blah blah. I paid $2600 to only have it run like shit with MIDI and crapping out randomly during sessions. Random things were it thins out so bad,I have to shut it down for a whole day to have work properly again. It arrived with loose screws inside. Loose PCB board. All was good, I believed… All bugs have been posted and acknowledged. I’ve held my tongue for two years. IMO I keep taking the knife from my heart. It sounds amazing, why I haven’t sold it and gone another route. I believe they are working, sure June 3rd. I’ve been waiting for almost two years. Its frustrating to the least.