Auto-sustain pedaling feature ++WISHLIST ADDITION++

Hello ALL!

One feature I think would be really cool on the UDO SUPER 6 and other UDO boards is an auto-hold feature:

This is very similar to the HOLD button except that it “re-pedals” automatically when all the notes are released and a new chord/note is pressed. This would allow you to change chords without any note bleed while also freeing up your feet.

(I believe this is the same as the Keyboard Hold function on the Yamaha Montage M8x)

I was able to implement this with an Arduino pretty simply with just a few lines of code:


Note: MIDI Local off and Arduino plugged into UDO MIDI OUT then looped back into UDO MIDI IN

See video demo here:


It works well but the main disadvantage is that it occupies both of the MIDI ports making it difficult/cumbersome to use for other MIDI purposes

Would love to see this implemented somehow in a new firmware!! Cheers to UDO for making the coolest synth

Yes this is what I’ve come to expect of Hold buttons.

The arpeggiator was adjusted to have this behaviour so it’s sort of notable by its absence.

I wonder if it’s a playing style thing by George cos I can see how you might want to add notes to a chord when it’s already being held. Perhaps a compromise would be to have that behaviour in Poly 2 mode? Obvs you’d then also get curtailed releases. It actually it would be more consistent with Poly 2 mode ‘re-pedaling’ as you describe it. As it stands there seems to be no functional difference between Poly 1 & 2 when the hold button is engaged.