Any technical update/announcement from UDO what the actual problem was in terms of 110V power? Will future models have a different power supply?
Speaking of envelopes, I was wondering what the Gemini’s longest attack times are? My Soup’s are meant to be around 10s but in reality are nowhere near that - my Jupiter 6 has a much longer attack. Anyone measured?
I have a question? anybody experienced after playing it for about five minutes, a crackling sound can be heard and then it goes haywire and then the sound stops. After pairing it down and back on the sound goes back to normal then after five minutes it does it all over again. I have not dated it to the latest software. I’m not sure if that’s the problem here I was just hoping maybe someone might have a thought on this issue, I’ve already had the power supply issue fixed and besides the voice allocation. This is a new one now that just happened tonight. Thank you.
I am not experiencing that at all and that’s the first time I’ve heard of that issue.
Exact same happened to me once. Power cycle fixed it. Never again since. Have played the synth hundreds of times since. But I distinctly remember exactly what you describe.
Ron F do you mean power cycle by turning it off unplugging it letting it sit and turning it back on? I talked to the customer support and they did tell me they were aware of this issue and it needs to go in for repair even though it’s a simple fix, so that’s a good news. Bad news I have to ship it back to the service center.
Yes, turn it off, then back on again. I only experienced the crackling issue one time.
Yep, I reported this via support and it’s a hardware issue that they are aware of. Mine has been returned for a retro fit fix. Not sure exactly what.
Mine seemed to only be an issue when using the lower layer and when the machine had been on for a while.
Like you, once it happened, each time after power cycling it would do the same thing.
Yes it’s a board issue as I understand. I had already had the retro fix,this is something new. I just sent mine in for repair. Great customer support. Hooked me up in hours…
Reading the messages on this thread, I experienced the exact same issues you all are describing with the Super Gemini.
I received my Super Gemini from Schneidersladen/Germany sometime in early January. I had programmed several patches but after playing awhile, the cutoff or some parameter would completely change on the current layer. I would refresh the patch by pressing the bank and patch button, but it would fall out again after a few seconds.
UDO was quick to respond, and after providing some information, it seemed clear that it is the 110v issue. I wanted an internal solution, rather than clamping the ferrite onto an external AC power cable. They will send over the parts for two ferrite cores and several cable clips. I’m fairly comfortable with synth repair so it should be a piece of cake.
I once had both the Super 6 keyboard and desktop, in hopes of polychaining them. Since the polychain firmware update didn’t materialize, the Super Gemini was a no-brainer once the specs were announced. I’m really excited to get the Gemini fixed up and back in operation.
I have added the patch it has worked - most of the time. But after this last few month, it does something intermittently. Sometimes it is very stable for weeks on end and I can finish tune. Other times in one week or another, it just kicks in all by itself with extreme vibrato. There is no predictability as to when the issue returns or goes away. All very weird. I will send a not on for support on email. Thanks.
I was wondering if anybody had issues with the aftertouch I can’t seem to get it to work no matter what I do. I’ve had it repaired twice now once the power supply issue and then the motherboard. I just recently got it back, but noticed I cannot get any aftertouch out of this at all. Also, it seems to freeze a few times on the boot and you have to power cycle it to clear it up. Any thoughts would really help at this point I’ve written to support to try to see what I can do about this right now. It’s absolutely unusable as far as having any after touch at all,
As far as AT…you do have the switch in the performance section (left of the keyboard) tuned to LFO2 ON? This is the lowest and left-most switch on the unit. And then, you have to turn up either DDS or FILTER sliders (to the right of the Performance section). Another thing to do is to clear out all assignments in the Matrix, to be sure the AT is not assigned somewhere that is conflicting, or inaudible. Lastly, the Factory INIT patch, which can be downloaded from the UDO site, has AT defaulted to DDS1 pitch (a light vibrato). Have you tried installing the Factory INIT patch, fresh? Just going through a checklist of obvious solutions…
To answer your question, my AT has always worked great. Never had a problem with it.
I have also had intermittent random issues with my unit, but not vibrato, rather a problem with the ARP randomly stopping, and/or voices randomly stopping. As you said, sometimes it plays for extended periods of time with no issues, but then randomly this issue is prominent and regularly recurring. In speaking with Support…I tried addressing the unit with an external midi controller, via MIDI, and could not get the unit to display the issue EVER over midi. In fact, just the act of using MIDI IN (DIN, in my case) seems to have cleared out the issue for a period of time (cautiously optimistic)…leading me and support to think that an errant MIDI message(s) may have triggered the odd behavior. This is something that I know the Firmware team is looking at, and my be addressed in a future update. But in the meantime, perhaps you can use some of this information to your advantage…by monitoring outgoing MIDI messages from the unit, and see if you see any messages that might be triggering vibrato, or LFO level. Its certainly given me something to “do” when/if I experience such random occurrences.
I appreciate your support Ron I wrote UDo support, Ben and George to see if anybody’s reported similar issues. I will try downloading the init patch as far as the performance section I believe after touch works on two of those settings just not on LFO 2 on. every preset I played had no after touch that I could get to work. I’m hopefully doing it wrong so that I can feel comfortable as I’ve taken this back now twice with the motherboard and a power supply issue. All I really wanna do is get one that works the keyboard sounds great, but the bugs are intense. If you could at all post a video of the how to do it to show that I need to do it I would appreciate it because manual is very vague about this.
When I get back to my studio, later today, I will try to get some video going. But…the best/first course of action is to download and install the factory default INIT patch (by putting the synth into USB mode, and having it come up as a Drive on your computer, and copying the file into the correct folder). Doing this is simple, and you have to do NOTHING to see if AT works. All you should need to do, is power-on the unit, and press the keys on the keyboard, and you’ll hear a clear vibrato in pitch. Its possible that your current on-board INIT patch got overwritten with the AT turned down or off. Replacing it with the downloadable file version should prove whether AT works or not. Upon power up (or alternatively hitting the INIT button for either layer) the controls on the panel do not matter…the system is set to the INIT patch, which includes active and obvious AT, regardless of the current state of the panel controls. Start there. If you hear the vibrato…then you at least know that AT works properly on your unit. THEN its just a matter of discovering what settings/controls to use to affect the modulation you are seeking. Let me know, and I’ll follow up…
I appreciate it, Ron. I’ve tried absolutely everything. I’ve tried the mod. Matrix the velocity works, but I cannot get anything out of the aftertouch unfortunately, there is no init file on the download from UDO. as I just went there and downloaded it and I realize I do have the latest software running on it and they only have the program patches and performance but no init patch file. The original one that’s on the Gemini is dated 2012 which is strange but there is no other one to be found that I’ve been able to find on their website for download. I’ve talked to Ben and I’m addressing the situation to try to figure it out as my unit is now freezing and I have to power cycle it every time I turn it off as it freezes as I turn it on. I wish I could get a working unit. This is very frustrating. Shouldn’t have to be so difficult. I appreciate your support more than you know.
I’ve gone through everything and there is no sign of any form of after touch on this machine at all.
At this point, it looks like it’s gonna have to be sent back for repair again…
Thank you so much that is really cool of you to do that. I watched your video and yeah, mine doesn’t do any of that at all. It’s completely dead. The aftertouch does not do anything with any of those controls. I really appreciate you even giving a care about it and helping me like this, much Appreciation to you … Hopefully, I can get Ben to deal with this issue very quickly. Thank you again, Ron … you are one of the cool guys out there?
So sorry to hear that! Ben is a good dude, and I know he’ll do his best to get it right. Very unfortunate!