Control over voice pan spread amount

As an engineer … this thread made me curious, so i did some “research”…
… and came to the following result:

The output signal of the Super 6 seems to be in “non-binaural” mode not really underlay a simple left/right split/panning. It comes (alternating) left or right first and louder, but with something around 0,5ms delay and around 30% lower level on the other channel.
If you record this (or listen to it) in stereo, even this sounds some kind of stereoscopic (0,5ms equals to 16cm free air delay, what is “half around your head”).
But if you mix it to mono, there are comb filtering gaps at 1kHz, 3kHz, 5kHz etc.
I can hear this with one single sine oszillator using sine waves in mono mode, independend if using DDS1 or DDS2… note C6 (1046Hz) is significant quiter than the others!
On an 2 channel oszillograph i clearly see that 0,5ms delay and lower level of the oszillation starting point, alternating on left or right channel if monitoring both channels.

With other waveshapes and more than one Oszillator this results in other side effects.

I think i’ll report this to support. Lets see what they say.
I see the intention of having this behaviour (especially if using headphones this is really nice!), but i see the side effect too.