Different MIDI CC # than 32 for Env1 Decay Hold

MIDI CC 32 is commonly used as the LSB for Bank Select I believe and as a result is not available to be sent in the typical way on a number of devices / software.

I was setting up my Super 6 Desktop’s shift functions (HPF cutoff, Drift, Env holds etc) to be sent from my Roland MIDI controller’s faders n was unable to add CC 32 for Envelope 1’s Decay Hold. It’s neither possible to conveniently be sent from Ableton Live 12.

It’d be great to see the Env1 Decay Hold CC number changed as I’ve found there’s quite a bit of mileage in tweaking the Env holds (: I get a little interrupted having to switch to the shift function n returning and having the fader in a different place.

I’m inordinately enthused with the Super 6 Desktop otherwise (: Thanks so much UDO for being bold and making this synth a reality! It’s hard to believe synth designers have ignored interfaces like this for so long.

Cheers :grinning:

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Good point. A few companies overlook this (including Torso and Elektron) cos, well, MIDI’s becoming a dark art these days.