Morphing between layers

I know it would likely be a huge software undertaking but was just thinking how cool it would be to be able to morph between the settings on the two layers (parameter morph as opposed to cross-faded volume). Would be a feature of single mode and could be accessed say by holding “split” and “dual” together.


I think it would just be simpler to buy an Arturia Polybrute 12 if you want that feature /ducks/ :sweat_smile:

It’s certainly not essential, but thought it could be possible.

PB12 is very nice but the panel immediacy and nicer keybed of the UDO is more appealing.

I haven’t played a Polybrute keyboard.
I suspect it’s velocity sensitivity actually worked though, without users having to point this out for months and a firmware update having to be issued to fix it :see_no_evil:

I find the UDO keybeds next level tbh. Much better than any Arturia or korg controller I’ve had so far. And the fact that they are bringing user upgrade ability is not something you’d see from arturia

Maybe shift and use master volume as morph! That would be incredible.

Can confirm. I own a Polybrute OG and the Super series have much better keybeds. Not that the Polybrute has a bad keybed, mind you.

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