Thanks for these! I’ve been working on making a nice harpsichord as well as clav sound, so I’ll definitely try those waveforms out tomorrow.
What program did you use to generate these?
From what I can tell the waveform is saved with the patch, which is pretty cool, meaning you can load in patches that contain waveforms that are not a part of your waveform collection, the patches are very portable from one machine to another.
Going slightly off topic here, but I found this great forum thread that i think might be of interest to anyone interested in making their own waveforms.
One person even mentions a few resources that they use specifically for the Super 6.
I have downloaded/created a bunch of single cycle waveforms now and loaded into audacity, but I’m still trying to figure out how to work them to the right format. It’s kind of strange to me that there’s so little info on this online, considering that it’s an amazing feature of the Super 6 with so many possibilities.
If you or anyone would have the the time to explain this it would hugely appreciated!