New UDO product tease!

New product tease on the UDO FB Page, I reckon it’ll be a desktop S6, but will also be happy to be proved wrong!


I think they would be silly not to produce a desktop version. Another idea would be a filter box with the same binaural/ filter capabilities for external audio.

I’m really hoping it’s something completely new (and tempting) though.

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Luckily we won’t have too long to wait to find out!

If it’s a desktop super6, that might be about the only thing that would get me to sell my unit. I originally wanted one, but then I thought “it’s a small company, it’s such niche within a niche, I bet they’ll just be straight on to bigger and better things”.

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I think you might be right.

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Early in the video there is a shot of the side profile and it sure looks like it has a keyboard.

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Could be both - desktop with a keyboard. Not long until we find out! :slightly_smiling_face:

This would be a reason for me to sell or return my unit too!
To me it’s a case of absolutely not respecting paying clients if they bring out the next thing before finishing the firmware of the one that they sell now for one whole year in this unfinished and unreliable status!!! :-1:

Eh I disagree - product gestation cycles are long and difficult. I agree that there needs to be firmware improvements but totally do not expect them to block other parts of the company. Working in this sort of space with such a small team must be a huge juggling act - sometimes the ball needs to stay in the air a little bit longer


:point_up_2:t2: This.

More products = more income = company around for longer = more firmware updates.

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I wonder how the whole performance section at the left of the keyboard gets handled on a module. I can see LFO2 is going to be somewhere, but how is triggering handled when half of it is based on AT and that isn’t a given on an external KB. Same for pitchbend.

To be clear, not a problem for me as I will be getting one of the first Osmose off the line when that ships, and I have other stuff with AT and pitch/mod wheels, but I make good use of that performance section. I might be stuck with this keyboard after all. Especially if a potential module doesn’t come in blue, since the blue one sounds the best…

Normally if it’s the desktop version he uses a very close firmware code than the super 6, no much time loose, but if a totally new product it’s diffrent, i hope that it is the desktop, it will make people better know what the super 6 is…

Hopefully we’ll find something out tomorrow!

It was leaked to be a desktop version. Looks really nice!


Damn, this thing is gorgeous! If I didn’t already have (and love) the blue keyboard Super 6, I’d be grabbing one of these ASAP.

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I found this demo to be hugely inspiring. I say this as a proud owner of the keyboard version of the Super 6. Bravo George :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Yep, makes me want the firmware update even more!


Ive seen George underplay his musical ability, and I think he sells himself short. I’d love to see an album from him when he feels that UDO is on a good and steady course. Im a painter and sometimes I put this demo on in the background while I work in the studio UDO Audio - Super 6 workshop @SchneidersLaden - YouTube


Pre ordered the desktop.