I can’t see anywhere in the manual for how to address each layer via MIDI separately. There appears to be only a Global setting for MIDI channel.
Also, I have noticed that when sending MIDI CC messages from my DAW, only the upper layer receives anything.
Finally, when in Dual mode, only the upper layer is playing via MIDI.
Am I missing something obvious?
I believe I remember reading somewhere that the second layer is addressed on the channel above the one set as the main channel in the synth. So I guess if your upper layer is responding to channel 1, the lower layer will respond to channel 2.
That doesn’t appear to be it.
The MIDI channel setting appears to be global, e.g. if you select each layer, enter Global settings and then change the MIDI channel, it changes the channel but globally.
Also, I’m using OMNI when sending from Ableton so it should send to all MIDI channels, however only the Upper layer plays.
Hmm, the manual does state that MIDI channel is set globally for the upper layer and that the lower layer responds on the channel one number higher. Also says not to plug in DIN and USB simultaneously; could that be the issue?
I’m using MIDI Din (I will try via USB if I can find a lead long enough)
Tried saving as a performance and still get the same. So you’d expect when in Dual mode, both layers would respond to the global MIDI channel, but only the Upper layer plays. When in Split mode, the same happens.
Selecting each layer and then changing the MIDI channel only affects the global setting.
Plus, as I mentioned within Ableton I’m sending on all MIDI channels (OMNI) which should play on all channels.
I only discovered this issue when mapping MIDI CC’s to control a few parameters and noticed the lower layer wasn’t receiving any MIDI CC information.
Hopefully one of the UDO folk can confirm. Until then, it looks like using it as a Bi-Timbral synth over MIDI won’t work.
The lower layer responds to Base channel + 1 so for example if the MIDI channel is set to 1, the Upper layer is on channel 1 and the lower layer is on channel 2. When in Dual mode, the keyboard sends MIDI data (keys) on both channels. When in split mode, the upper layer sends on Base and the lower layer sends on Base+1. The way DAWs route MIDI inputs to different output channels can differ. There are settings such as “All midi inputs” or “Omni” that can actually change the channel of the incoming MIDI data, this is not what you want. From memory the way to setup MIDI in Ableton for two layers is to make two midi tracks. One has input AND output channel on Base channel. The other has input AND output channel set to Base+1. Enabling record on both should route 1-1 and 2-2 and give you what you need.
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Thanks, solved the issue now.
My set-up is slightly different in Ableton as I use the Expert Sleepers ES-40 which converts digital audio to MIDI via their ESX-8MD module which then provides sample accurate timing as I was getting a lot of latency issues before with 30 odd MIDI devices connected.
You drop instances of their ES-40 plugins on a single channel which then directs MIDI to each of the ESX-8MDs MIDI outs. The issue I was having is using two separate instances each with MIDI channel 1 & 2, whereas now I can use single plug-in instance and address separate MIDI channels within the plug-in.
Takes a bit of chin scratching to work this out sometimes but the Expert Sleepers stuff has really helped lock all of the synths together timing wise.
Thanks for your help.
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