Would this even be possible? Where you could hold notes while the sequencer plays?
Instead of programming step by step?
Would this even be possible? Where you could hold notes while the sequencer plays?
Instead of programming step by step?
One of my biggest wishes for the sequencer would be that you could enter notes, ties and rests directly as you go. Itâs always felt like there is a way, or should be, but I canât find it. Entering notes you donât want then going down to the row for spaces to delete them always does my head in, basically cos Iâm old and befuddled.
Yes! I second this.
Also throwing in a bone there for fixing the issue of the sequencer resetting when you toggle through the sequencer functions (steps, length etc). Makes it hard to build the sequence while performing.
Also just wish some love for the sequencer overall. Itâs hard at times to know if youâre putting in a new note or if youâre gonna transpose the whole piece (sometimes I feel it does bothâŚ)
Could not agree more. I really hope the sequencer gets some TLC. Itâs so close to being all I needâŚ
Would love to see:
A) Live/Realtme mode - run the sequence and play notes in live
B) Offset/nudge on individual notes. Perhaps holding doing a step and using the mod amount encoder to push a step back and forth?
C) Clear a single step without having to add a rest or clear the whole sequence. Is there a way of doing this? I have checked the manual, did not see anything. I would expect to be able to hold a step button then hit clear to clear that step, but it does not seem to work. Perhaps I am missing something obvious?
D) Add note/step without needing a keyboard. I have the desktop version and would LOVE if I could hold down a step and then use the mod amount to select a note by semitone. This would make the unit fully autonomous. Is there a way to do this currently?
@moderators perhaps one of you could chime in about my âwishlistâ and let me know if some of these things are currently possible and perhaps I am just overlooking?
Keystep? It responds to live polyphonic sequencing.
Live/real time sequencing would be lovely
All of these would be brilliant. It is close to greatness!
Yes please! This is the way I like to sequence!
Yes, please, That would such a great feature.
I mentioned earlier in this post that a real-time/live sequencer would be a lovely addition but after having a long play last night I came to realise that this would be such an incredibly useful tool for live performances, especially in the improvisational domain, Please make this happen UDO!
The real end boss is to be able to record parameter locks on each of the steps as well as you go Thatâs probably to complicated for the interface though.
One year has passed since my previous comment, and after another 12 months of extensive exploration with the S6, I am more convinced than ever about the sequencerâs real-time sequencing potential.
Constantly contemplating its capabilities while using the synth, it feels regrettable to resort to adding a Keystep or any other external sequencer for such functionalities when it already has a sequencer. If UDO were to integrate these features, I am certain it would propel this synthâs performance leagues ahead of the competition. Given that UDOâs primary emphasis for these synths lies in their playability, itâs imperative for them to swiftly implement these enhancements!
@udo-audio, is this within the realm of possibility, and can we anticipate such advancements soon?
2 years and 2 months have passed since I made this thread.
Still got the Super 6, still love it, still needs a real time sequencer - I agree.
It seems I just (re) opened this topic but for the Super Gemini here, on which I also âdiscoveredâ the sequencer is not very much âreal timeâ playableâŚ
@udo-audio, I think this could be upvoted on the feature list