Super 6 only sending note data via midi since Firmware 1.6

I updated my super 6 to firmware 1.6 and since then only note and velocity data is sent via MIDI.
No sustain pedal data, no aftertouch and no cc data from the encoders.
I have the ST49 and the ribbon controller.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Hi and welcome,

I do not have a Super 6 but the MIDI settings seem the same between Super Gemini and Super 6.

Did you check your MIDI settings since the firmware update?

You’ll find more info in the manual here.

Maybe the MIDI CH number has been reinitialised, or the TX/RXE and TX/RX P settings changed?

Anyway, if this does not clear the problem, do not hesitate to write to U.D.O. for more support :slight_smile:

Let us know