Wave scanning

Hi all,

I am probably not the first one with this request, but is it possible to implement wave scanning on the Super 6?

Not sure how the whole thing works but there should be enough computing power with the FPGAs shouldn’t there?

How are the odds to see this feature in the future? Possible at all? If so I think it is an obvious thing to do.



Don’t know if this is still relevant, but…

Yes they are static. That’s the point I was talking about. Hopefully there will be interpolation one day.

In the link it says it is or was possible.


Let’s hope it will come soon then.

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Extend DDS1 with a new waveform scanning mode, streaming the custom waveforms stored on disk.

Shift + DDS1 switched into alternative waveform position.

Activating mode will also copy ENV1 to be used for scanning through waveforms. A new copy of ENV1 can be set by re-activation. WAVE selector could be used to set the total number of waveforms to scan (up to 32).


Agreed. Smoothing should also be adjustable for this in case a steppy sound is preferred.


Don’t know what voodoo is at play but there’s a Jexus patch that sounds like wavetable scanning in action!

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Jexus probably has a delay running on the LFO

@udo-audio please, bring wavetables/wave scanning to the Super 6! :smile:

It seems like it fits in perfectly, there is already a perfect spot for it on the hardware interface. When DDS2 is not using the pulse waveform and Super mode is off, those 2 PW faders right in the middle are just sitting there unused.

And this is a feature that every single owner of a Super6 both keyboard and desktop can take advantage of. You already spent a lot of time building MPE support for a tiny subset of users who use an MPE controller, now please bring a feature for the rest of us!


Would be a huge upgrade for wavetable scanning on the Super 6! Please consider this with the next firmware update @udo-audio


+1 wave scanning would be great in the Super6 desktop’s small form factor

Super Gemini has interpolation between two DDS1 waveforms, perhaps can be added to Super6 too?

Scanning between two waves would be cool. I think to maintain patch portability where the waves are stored in the patch, they would want to store both waves in the patch. That all depends upon how much space is or can be made available in each patch. That will probably limit how many waves can be scanned more than anything. And hopefully a patch is then compatible between the 6 and Gemini. We shall see …

Yes, I am also looking for wavetable-style wave morphing. How about a 4x4 waveform cube with the ability to scan x, y, z axes? 64 waves in total with complete interpolation.

Just to add that IFF interpolation was possible in the future then it could be quite fun when in wave mode and having selected 2 waveforms to be able to press the MOD AMOUNT encoder and and twist to scan through the different amounts of interpolation. Kind of a bit like the 3rd Wave. But any kind of scanning would be amazing for me and being attached to envelope 1/LFO 1 would be great.

I think that it would be a shame for Super DDS to be disabled if the Wave Morphing does become an option (unless there is a technical reason for it not being possible).

For example if you use Arturia’s Pigments starting on a Saw Wave in the basic wavetable you can re-create the sound of the Super 6’s Super DDS at 50% by enabling the Pigments Super Mode, turning up Mix and Stereo to 100% and Detune to 10%. Moving from one waveform to another sounds nice in this mode for pads.

I can of course do all of this in Pigments but love using the Super 6 because of the sound and physicality of it and how much just using it teaches me about sound design.

I wonder if it’s possible to change the alternative waveform with midi. That way I could make a sequence of which each step could have a different waveform. Anyone have any idea about this?


Loving this thread guys thanks for sharing these ideas!