Feature Request: Noise Colors Using Pitch/Tune

I would also really appreciate this feature. I find noise modulation really useful and red/pink ARE better for that.
+1 from me!

Just had the thought last night…

Octave switch on DDS2 to select different noise flavors (white, pink, metallic, bitcrushed). Pitch knob to filter noise (center normal, up HPF, down LPF). Would be so useful, esp. since DDS2 modulates the filter.


Seconded! I love this idea…wait, I already said that - never mind. Third-ed!

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Hi I’m intrigued what “asteroids” type noise is?

The explosion sounds on some old arcade games were made with an LFSR using a clock rate sweep.

If the noise is made with an LFSR I thought a setting where the clock could track the pitch of the osc. Then a pitch envelope would give retro game explosion sounds . Also, low audio rate clock on an LFSR makes a square wave with a random amplitude for each cycle, makes a nice unstable oscillator to filter/mix in.

There was a eurorack module that used this called VCNO, video below. Some good sweeps at about 7:30 in

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I see the Gemini has pink, white, and blue noise for DDS 2. Has a similar feature made it into the Super 6?

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As an example… Elektron Analog Four has a great versatile noise, that goes from plain white to all “asteroid”.

Seems like an NCO feeding the clock input of the noise source could achieve this, with the TUNE pot of DDS2 logarithmically adjusting the NCO clock frequency. Existing patches would be unaltered and it’s not a shift function, it’s logically there … good discussion


Is this what you’re talking about? :space_invader::boom::upside_down_face:

Yeah, that’s the type of sound. I had the VCNO module, and sampled the crap out of it but it doesn’t work as well as a bunch of samples.

did this not ever get implemented?? Seemed like UDO were keen on the idea themselves??

Alot of these requested features were added to the Gemini. I’ve chosen not to upgrade because I like what the S6 already offers. It was probably always too late for them to go back and add stuff like this.

Yeah I love the super 6 too, would be ridiculous for me to get the gemini although I would like that extra saturation it’s supposed to have.

I was thinking about the noise colour because I like to modulate the oscillator with a bit of noise to make it sound a bit more unstable and vintage and darker noise is supposed to give a better result so I was a bit disappointed they hadn’t introduced it. I can’t see how it would be that difficult tho really??

saying that tho I dont think theres even a way to modulate one of the DDS oscillators with noise from the other?? The only option is LFO 1 on random set to maximum rate which is said to be white noise although it doesnt sound it to me.


You can use the noise shape from DDS2 for the cross mod! Strange thats the only shape you can choose, but I’ll take it! Does make it out of tune tho

Can’t you also do the trick where you give lfo1 the wave shape from the oscillator? So you could copy the noise wave to the LFO, switch the oscillator back to any other shape (which doesn’t affect the LFO shape) and then just use the LFO to modulate DDS1, DDS2, filter or anything else you like.

This doesn’t appear to be the case - I have a Super Gemini and only white noise available to my knowledge. Also had a look in the latest manual and can’t see anything about it. Anyone know if I’m missing something?

No that doesnt work unfortunately, it just gives you a cyclical wave shape. Think its because its just a sample player like DDS1, not algorithmic like DDS2 altho I don’t know why that means DDS1 can do noise anyway, maybe it switches to a different kind of process for noise.

Would be cool tho if you could do that shift trick for the HF function too, at the moment all you get is sin wave I believe.

EDIT oh damn you can! I didnt realise

CORRECTION Also just thought as well if it were just a sample player how does it do random?

Also Im curious if LFO 1 is basically the same as DDS1? Like same FPGA high quality no aliasing etc.

Is that at lower frequencies though? What if LFO1 has borrowed the noise shape of DDS1 and is set to high frequency mode?